NSF Travel Grants


IEEE ISVLSI 2025 invites applications for several NSF student travels grants for the students from US Universities. Each student travel award will have $500 to partially cover the cost of travel including flight, hotel, and registration. The students will need to provide the following items as the application package:

  • Application Form with Questionnaires and Information.
  • A 2-page Resume.
  • A letter from a Faculty Mentor or University Chair confirming to cover any additional funds.
  • A letter of confirmation from the student stating that he/she will attend the conference if the travel award is provided.
  • The application needs to be filled/submitted online here.

The deadline for application submission: 23rd May 2025.

The NSF travel grants are open to bachelor's, master's, or PhD students from US Universities. A certain number of NSF travel grants are earmarked for students who will attend the conference for the first time and do not have a paper/presentation/poster at the conference.

For additional questions on the NSF student travel grants, contact Steering Committee Vice-Chair at saraju.mohanty@unt.edu.


General Chairs:
Nikolaos Voros, University of Peloponnese, Greece
Michael Huebner, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany

TPC Chairs:
Georgios Keramidas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Paraskevas Kitsos, University of Peloponnese, Greece
Diana Goehringer, Technical University of Dresden, Germany

Steering Committee:
Juergen Becker (chair)
Saraju Mohanty (vice-chair)
Hai (Helen)Li
Lionel Torres
Michael Hübner
Nikolaos Voros
Ricardo Reis
Sandip Kundu
Sanjukta Bhanja
Susmita Sur-Kolay
Theocharis Theocharides
Vijay Narayanan
Himanshu Thapliyal
Fernanda Lima Kastensmidt

Contact Us

Michael Huebner - Michael.Huebner@b-tu.de
Nikolaos Voros - voros@go.uop.gr