Call for Student Research Forum

Student Research Forum

The ISVLSI 2025 will host a Student Research Forum (SRF), providing opportunities for recently graduated or final phase BS/MS/Ph.D. students to present their research/thesis work to a broad audience in the VLSI community from both industry and academia. The Student Research Forum will help students to establish contacts for entering the job market. Additionally, representatives from industry and academia will get a glance at cutting-edge research performed by the future leaders in the VLSI community.


  • Students who are currently enrolled in a PhD program, or they have finished their BS/MS dissertation/thesis within the last 12 months.
  • The research topic should be of relevance to the ISVLSI community.
  • Students who have presented in prior ISVLSI Student Research Forum, must clearly indicate additional (70%) new technical content compared to the previous submission.

Submission Guidelines: Please submit a paper in IEEE conference format describing the problem addressed in the thesis, novelty of the solution, observations and analysis. Focus should be on scientific challenges, the originality and quality of the solution.

  • The papers have a 4-page limit.
  • The submission can include author information (student and advisor).
  • A single PDF file should be submitted via EasyChair under the track of Student Research Forum.

Benefits to the selected researcher:

  • 4-page publication in the ISVLSI 2025 proceedings (indexed in IEEE Xplore).
  • Presentation in the Student Research Forum poster session.
  • Networking with attendees from industry and academia.
  • Opportunity to publicize work, distribute flyers summarizing their research work.


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General Chairs:
Nikolaos Voros, University of Peloponnese, Greece
Michael Huebner, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany

TPC Chairs:
Georgios Keramidas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Paraskevas Kitsos, University of Peloponnese, Greece
Diana Goehringer, Technical University of Dresden, Germany

Steering Committee:
Juergen Becker (chair)
Saraju Mohanty (vice-chair)
Hai (Helen)Li
Lionel Torres
Michael Hübner
Nikolaos Voros
Ricardo Reis
Sandip Kundu
Sanjukta Bhanja
Susmita Sur-Kolay
Theocharis Theocharides
Vijay Narayanan

Contact Us

Michael Huebner -
Nikolaos Voros -