Call for Papers

Contributions are sought in the following tracks:

  • Circuits, Reliability, and Fault-Tolerance (CRT):
    Analog/mixed-signal circuits design and testing, RF and communication circuits, adaptive circuits and interconnects, design for testability, online testing techniques, static and dynamic defect- and fault- recoverability, variation aware design, VLSI aspects of sensor and sensor network.
  • Computer-Aided Design and Verification (CAD):
    Hardware/software co-design, logic and behavioral synthesis, simulation and formal verification, physical design, signal integrity, power and thermal analysis, statistical approaches.
  • Digital Circuits and FPGA based Designs (DCF):
    Digital circuits, chaos/neural/fuzzy-logic circuits, high speed/low-power circuits, energy efficient circuits, near and sub-threshold circuits, memories, FPGA designs, FPGA based systems.
  • Emerging and Post-CMOS Technologies (EPT):
    Nanotechnology, molecular electronics, quantum devices, optical computing, spin-based computing, biologically-inspired computing, CNT, SET, RTD, QCA, reversible logic, and CAD tools for emerging technology devices and circuits.
  • System Design and Security (SDS):
    Structured and custom design methodologies, microprocessors/micro-architectures for performance and low power, embedded processors, analog/digital/mixed-signal systems, NoC, power and temperature aware designs, hardware security, cryptography, watermarking, and IP protection, TRNG and security-oriented circuits, PUF circuits.
  • VLSI for Applied and Future Computing (AFC):
    Neuromorphic and brain-inspired computing, quantum computing, circuits and architectures for machine learning and artificial intelligence, methodologies for on-chip learning, deep learning acceleration techniques, applications for and use-cases of learning systems, sensor and sensor network, electronics for Internet of Things and smart medical devices.

Selected papers from ISVLSI 2025 will be invited for submission to special issue on IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. The selection process is based on reviewer feedback and quality of conference presentation.


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General Chairs:
Nikolaos Voros, University of Peloponnese, Greece
Michael Huebner, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany

TPC Chairs:
Georgios Keramidas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Paraskevas Kitsos, University of Peloponnese, Greece
Diana Goehringer, Technical University of Dresden, Germany

Steering Committee:
Juergen Becker (chair)
Saraju Mohanty (vice-chair)
Hai (Helen)Li
Lionel Torres
Michael Hübner
Nikolaos Voros
Ricardo Reis
Sandip Kundu
Sanjukta Bhanja
Susmita Sur-Kolay
Theocharis Theocharides
Vijay Narayanan
Himanshu Thapliyal
Fernanda Lima Kastensmidt

Contact Us

Michael Huebner -
Nikolaos Voros -